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The Law Office

 Founded in 2022

The Law Office of Samual Getrich was founded with a simple idea;

that an attorney who focused on one area of law and kept

his clients to a reasonable number could offer the most

effective service and the best legal defense.

My Vision

I spent almost a decade of my legal career as a prosecutor, culminating in trying arson and arson murder cases in front of Stanislaus county juries.


In 2016, I ended my law enforcement career for a civil law practice, trying personal injury cases. What I came to understand from both of those is that, like any other field, lawyers who focus on one area of law tend to be better in that area than those who try to cover all areas of law.


I've been practicing criminal defense law for years, using my trial experience and time as a prosecutor, as well as my reputation and relationships to get better outcomes for my clients.


​My vision now is to put my energy into one area of law to better serve my clients in their time of need.


I do not practice in every area of law. I practice in one and I do that so I can focus and do it well.


You do not hire a welder to do your plumbing, you do not hire a carpenter to lay tile in your bathroom, you do not hire a landscaper to re-roof your house - I will not do your personal injury case nor your divorce or child custody case.


I specialize.  I do what I do best and I won't sell you anything else.


As part of this effort, I've created a virtual law office which eliminates the overhead costs associated with a lease and staff.  These cost savings are passed on to my clients.

The Glory of a Good Lawyer

Is to Win a Bad Trial.

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The criminal system can be frightening and overwhelming.  You could be in custody, you could lose the right to remain in your home, your property could be confiscated, your privilege to drive could be taken away and your future as well as your future employment could be in jeopardy.


Sam understands these ramifications and after years of dealing with people in life and death situations he respects your concerns.  You will find him attentive, professional and responsive to your concerns.  Sam's clients appreciate his attention and respect for their unique situation.


You will be listened to and your concerns will be addressed in a respectful and direct way.

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